- Bend at performation and tear off first montht's applicator.
- Hold applicator and bend numbered area of plastic at perforation, tear off and discard.
- Hold applicator upright away from fave and bodu and use scissors to cut secure seal applicator tip.
- Position the tup of the applicator an the foh's back between blades. Apply 1/2 of the contents of the applicator.
- Invert the applicator to an uprught to ppsition and move to the dog;s hinfdquarters. Position the tup of the applicator at the base of the tail and apply the remaining contents of the applicator.
- Do not reapplt product for 30 days.
Important Information
Fleas rise to the top of your pet's coat as they die, so consider it a triumph if you start seeing more fleas at first, after treating your pet. If you’re still seeing fleas after application, it may be because your pet has picked up new fleas from the environment, which may include other pets, surfaces and outdoor areas. It may take up to 30 days to break the entire flea life cycle. Additionally, you should also treat sources of new fleas (i.e., carpet, yard, etc.) to ensure complete flea control.