Our Puppy Training pads are just what your pet needs! These pads consist of 3 immensely important layers that will ensure your companion will have a desired spot to relieve themselves. The Head to Tail Puppy pads come in packages of 100 pads! Our puppy pads are designed to be extra thick with an anti-slip bottom so when it's time to go, your pup isn't sliding all over the place. Our pads are manufactured with a bottom layer that is created with a strong water-resistant film and sealed edges that will protect your floor from any accidents.
Featured Benefits:
- The top layer is stamped with a crystal quilted texture that allows the flow of urine to flow directly down while reducing the spread. This layer is a patented, non-woven material that will enable moisture to pass through quickly while leaving the main surface dry & soft. This layer will promote the sanitization of your pet.
- The mid-layer is remarkably formulated with a special mixture of extra absorbent power & pulp that will swiftly convert any liquid into gel droplets, enabling the surface to dry and minimize odor.
- The bottom layer is constructed with unique slip-resistant polymers that will prevent ani skidding during use. All sides are bonded to aid in the prevention of any leakage & enabled your floors to stay protected.
- Each puppy pad is measured to be 23" in x 23" in, perfect for any puppy in need of training!
ONLY AVAILABLE AT MYHEADTOTAIL.COM OR IN-STORE PURCHASE!!![Dog on Google Android 11.0](https://emojipedia-us.s3.dualstack.us-west-1.amazonaws.com/thumbs/160/google/263/dog_1f415.png)
*Like any training pad, accidents may happen. Do not allow your pet to ingest this pad or the contents of this package. If the pad is ripped or damaged, replace it immediately with a new one. Not suitable for young children or babies. Contact your pet's health provider if ingested*